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For In Person Art Lessons

Why does my student need to wear a mask & follow safety policies to attend art lessons?

As the owner/art teacher of The Art Room studio, I am immunocompromised with a chronic medical condition and at high risk for long-COVID. Due to my compromised immune system, when I do get sick with a cold, flu or virus, my body has greater difficulty fighting off the illness, and often it takes weeks or months to recover.  Students arriving symptomatic is quite distressing because it puts my health at risk. 

My greatest exposure is providing art lessons in the studio to students. I limit my exposure by online shopping, curbside grocery delivery, not socialising, travelling nor gathering indoors. 

Parents of The Art Room have been very supportive and considerate to protect my compromised health by following the safety policies. This allows The Art Room studio to continue providing art lessons to students in the future and I am so very grateful!

 Safety Procedures for In-Person Lessons

  • Personal Protective Measures

    • Students and staff are fully vaccinated (up to date with boosters if eligible)

    • Students and staff wear a properly fitted N95 or KN95 at all times 

  • Social Distancing

    • Class size limited to 4 students maximum for distancing

    • Parents not entering the Art Studio (drop off/pick-up at door)

  • Environmental Safety and Sanitization Measures

    • Top-grade HEPA air filtration unit installed in the Art Studio, including window ventilation when weather permitting

    • Students remove shoes entering the Art Studio

    • Students use hand sanitizer before entering the Art Studio

    • Adherence to CDC guidelines for disinfecting the Art Studio, entryway, sink room & washroom before/after each art lesson (minimum 15 minutes allotted between lessons to disinfect studio)

    • Students engage in regular hand washing (disposable towels provided)

    • Students use Disinfecting Wipes on all art supplies after use

  • Symptoms, Exposure & Travel Policy

  • If your student arrives for their in-person lesson and is symptomatic they will be sent home (no rescheduling) 

  • If your student is experiencing any potential COVID symptoms OR was exposed to someone with COVID OR tested positive for COVID:

    • They are required to stay home from in-person lessons (rescheduling  available) 

    • The student will either need to complete a 10 Day Quarantine or provide a Negative Rapid COVID Test before returning to in-person lessons.

    • If your student has tested positive for COVID, they must no longer have symptoms and have a negative rapid to return.

  • If your student has travelled by airplane, they will need to either complete a 10 Day Quarantine or provide a Negative Rapid COVID Test before returning to in-person lessons

  • If a PCR Test is no longer covered by your insurance, a rapid is acceptable

  • If your student has travelled locally, a negative rapid test should be sent within 4 hours the day of their return to their in person art lesson.

DO NOT send students to in-person art lessons who exhibit the following symptoms:


  • Fever or chills

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Headache

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Sore throat

  • Laryngitis or Hoarseness

  • Congestion or runny nose

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Diarrhea

Read More
Safety Policies: Text


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